Asics X AiAii 絞り柄のランニングウェアでアシックスとコラボレーションしました

In March 2023 we had some visits from the sports brand ASICS. They wanted to make a limited edition collection inspired by the Japanese tradition of shibori and indigo. We held some workshops for them to get their hands blue, and then we discussed and they commissioned a selection of patterns, of which they ultimately used 4. The collection is in their "metarun" running range, was released worldwide and became very popular. I hope it will inspire people to learn more about the tradition of Shibori and the benefits of natural indigo. I think it’s a great example of mixing old and new.


The ASICS designers were interested in the idiosyncrasies of Shibori and indigo, something that inspires us too.
“Bokashi” refers to the blurred edges of dyed and undyed parts of a pattern. It is one of the unique and most beautiful traits of Shibori and indigo. I think the designers tried to capture “bokashi” with their printed patterns based on our dyed fabrics.
I love how they used futuristic looking fabrics and cuts combined with surface patterns that could also be found on a 300yr old Yukata (summer kimono).




With folded shibori techniques there are constraints on the size and scale that can be folded. So those limits dictate what kind of patterns can be made to what scale, on what size or thickness of fabric. This leaves us with the distinctive beauty of Shibori.
As ASICS printed their fabrics before sewing they had more freedom than real indigo would allow; zooming, inverting colours, playing with the patterns digitally , so the outcomes are not what we would produce, and I think that makes for a good collaboration.


ASICS は縫製前に生地を印刷していたため、本物の藍染めよりも自由度が高く、ズーム、色の反転、デジタルでの模様の調整が可能でした。そのため、結果は私たちが作り出すものとは異なりますが、それが良いコラボレーションにつながっていると思います。

The fabrics that ASICS printed on are "high technology"; all about being light, waterproof, breathable etc for running. It makes for an interesting contrast, with the traditional patterns. With our indigo we usually only dye natural fibres such as cotton and linen. Some synthetic fibres, (ie man-made cellulose) can be dyed, but plastic based, (Polyester etc) cannot.

ASICS が印刷した生地は「ハイテク」で、ランニングに適した軽量、防水、通気性などを重視しています。伝統的な模様とのコントラストが面白いです。私たちの藍染めでは通常、綿や麻などの天然繊維のみを染めています。一部の合成繊維(人工セルロースなど)は染色できますが、プラスチックベースのもの(ポリエステルなど)は染色できません。


These thin zebra stripes are a variation of the “pole wrapped” technique.



This is a zoomed in section of a tiny flower. It wouldn’t look the same if you tried to make it this large. The originals are around 5cm.

これは小さな花の拡大部分です。これを大きくしようとすると、同じに見えなくなります。元のものは約 5cm です。 


The dark t-shirt (left) has had the blue and white inverted from the original pattern.

濃い色の T シャツ(左)は、元のパターンとは青と白が反転されています。