I would like to introduce to you some noren that we have made at AiAii and give some advice and things to consider about ordering a noren.
What is a noren curtain?
A noren is a traditional type of Japanese curtain. The noren is usually made up of 2 or more panels that hang flat, and are usually connected a little at the top with stitching. Noren are often used to signal that a shop or business is open when hung in front of the entrance. They are also often used in homes to divide spaces/add privacy or to give atmosphere.
1. Think about the location
Before you decide to use natural indigo for your noren, be aware that it will fade in direct sunlight. If you are hanging it outside your shop, or even somewhere indoors that is near a window, the colour will fade over time. So either keep it somewhere away from bright light, or appreciate the slow change in colour.
天然藍暖簾を使用する前に、直射日光で色あせてしまう可能性に注意してください。 お店の外に吊るしたり、屋内の窓際に飾ったりすると、時間の経過とともに色が褪せてしまいます。できれば直射日光は避けれる場所においていただいたほうがいいです。ゆっくりとした色の変化を楽しんでいただければ幸いです。
2. Which fabric to use for a noren curtain?
At AiAii we only dye 100% natural fibers such as linen or cotton.
The fabrics all have slightly different qualities, and it depends on your preference. Would you like the light to come through, or should it be opaque? The see-through quality also changes a lot depending on where the light is coming from and the colour of what is behind the curtain.
Also consider that heavier fabrics cost more to dye than light ones.
2. 暖簾にはどの生地を使用すればよいですか?
AiAii では、リネンやコットンなどの 100% 天然繊維のみを染色しています。生地はすべて少しずつ品質が異なり、好みによって異なります。光を透過させるか、不透明にするか? 透け具合は、光がどこから来るか、暖簾の後ろの色によっても大きく変わります。また、厚手の生地は薄手の生地よりも染色コストが高くなることも考慮してください。
3. What kind of pattern would you like?
Solid colour and gradation are very popular as it looks so cool in the summer, and doesn’t clash with other patterns in the room. You can choose to keep some white, or have a light blue base colour. Gradation reveals the beautiful varieties of blue you can achieve with natural indigo. (yumegura) .
3. どんな柄がお好みですか?
Nui-shibori patterns.
Hand stitched patterns come in many forms as it is like drawing with thread and the possibilities are endless! I like to stitch leaves and insects/ flowers.
How about these bold, echoing shapes with stages of blue. I think they have a feeling of a tunnel of light.
Waves are also popular.
4. What size do you want your noren?
Measure the space carefully! Width and preferred length.
4. 暖簾のサイズ
5. Can you put a logo on a noren?
It really depends on the size and complexity of the logo you want. There are few different ways the logo can be incorporated, such as tsutsugaki, katazome or nuishibori.
5. 暖簾にロゴを入れることはできますか?
ロゴの大きさや複雑さによって異なります。 ロゴを入れる方法は、筒書き、型染め、縫い絞りなどいくつかあります。
This BoBoBo logo was drawn with tsutsugaki. Which is a rice paste.
This simple Awaji Island was stitched.
6. Stitching at the top
You can opt for stitching to hold the panels together or leave it out.
Feel free to contact us if you are thinking about ordering a custom made noren from AiAii.
6. 上部のステッチ
AiAii でオーダーメイドの暖簾を注文することをお考えの場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。